Our Deacons

Deacon of Administration: Kelly Studer

Coordinates administrative tasks related to information reception and distribution. This involves bulletin content, phone messages, calendar items, and general information given to the congregation.

Examples: Prepare the bulletin, purchase paper and office supplies, keep office area updated and organized.

Deacon of Childcare: Justin Randall

Coordinates sufficient care for nursery, including workers, room needs, security issues, etc.

Examples: Organize and distribute nursery schedule for Sunday mornings.

Deacon of Hospitality: Kelly Studer

Coordinates all the preparations of social events at Crossway, including meals for church fellowships, funerals, etc.

Examples: Organize church potlucks for various functions, coordinate meals for new mothers, funerals, etc., purchase food for various church functions.

Deacon of Finance: Micah Skidmore

Coordinates with the elders to produce and report on the budget of the church.

Examples: Present the budget (or any changes) at the appropriate business meeting, be able to answer questions which regard the budget.

Deacon of Ordinances: Steve Roslund

Coordinates any needs related to the celebration of the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

Examples: Purchase and prepare the communion elements, move and fill baptismal tank prior to baptism service.

Deacon of Member Care and Benevolence: Bob Taylor

Coordinates the disbursement of special funds to meet practical needs of Crossway’s members and others in the community on an as needed basis.

Examples: Coordinate with the elders to perform member care visits, coordinate with Deacon of Hospitality the needs that may be present for meals. Distribute the paperwork for the benevolence screening process, stock the benevolence meals/gift cards, work with deacons/elders to make decisions on benevolence giving.

Deacon of Pastoral Care: Gene Keysor

Coordinates the care and provision for needs of the church’s pastors and their families.

Examples: Relay needs and concerns of the pastor to the appropriate party, pray for and with the pastor over his concerns, coordinate child care periodically to provide free time for pastor/wife.

Deacons of Building & Grounds: Gene Keysor, Toby Stevens, Rick Streu

Coordinates the use and maintenance of the church’s ministry facilities.

Examples: Coordinate snow removal service, repair and maintain building, purchase general supplies for the church (bathroom supplies, light bulbs, baby wipes, etc.)

Deacon of Ushers and Security: Al Tremble

Coordinates the appropriate number and duties of ushers for Crossway’s worship services. Usher duties will include greeting and seating of members and guests, collection of offering, distribution of literature, etc. Also coordinates and trains a security team to help diminish risk from outside threats to our community.

Examples: Organize schedule for door greeters, organize schedule for offertory ushers. Distribute security schedule, train volunteers, and oversee security procedures.

Deacon of Evangelism & Missions: Gary Studer

Coordinates the fulfillment of activities involving missions efforts or local outreach as planned by the elders.

Examples: Organize transportation, meals, or other needs for Crossway’s IMB missionary during the BABA “On Mission Celebration” Day, help coordinate logistical details for church sponsored mission trips, stock gospel tracts at Crossway. Work alongside the elders in promoting evangelistic efforts.

Deacon of Services: Micah Skidmore

Coordinates and prepares for worship services at Crossway.

Examples: Works alongside the elders in song selection, schedules practice times for music team, and leads in organizing the technical requirements of Crossway’s worship.