
Here is a brief summary of Crossway’s ministries. Click on the name of the ministry for more information.

To see how we try to focus everything we do on the gospel, make sure you check out this special sermon series: Gospel Growth.

Ministry of the Word of God

God’s people are created and sustained by God’s Word, the Bible. Therefore, all of Crossway’s ministries are centered around the study and application of the Bible. The primary ministry of the Word comes during our Sunday morning worship service. There the pastor delivers a message from the Bible that takes the ancient truths of God and applies them to today in a relevant way that changes lives.

Ministry of Prayer

If the ministry of the Word is the foundation of our ministries and life together, then prayer is the power behind it. More than just having a prayer service, we desire to have all of our ministries begin and end with prayer. We believe that crucial to our life together before God and as Christians is prayer. It is our means of communing with God and calling down his blessings on our lives.

Ministry to Men

The Bible clearly demonstrates the leadership responsibilities men are to have at home and church. Our ministry to men is not simply a means of getting men involved, but of training them in what it means to be a man of God. The aim is produce godly men who understand what biblical manhood is and take up the challenge of God’s call on their life.

Ministry to Women

Our ministry to women is very much the counterpart to our ministry to men. Our goal is to teach and provides examples of biblical womanhood in a culture that rejects such view. We desire to see our women built up in the faith, living as godly wives, mothers, and singles using their gifts to build God’s kingdom.

Ministry to Youth

Unlike most youth groups, we do not see our youth ministry as a means of making disciples. Instead, we see it as a means of helping parents disciples their youth into disciples of Christ who live for God’s glory. So a big part of our youth ministry is helping to bring families together at home and at church. You can learn more about our rationale for this approach to ministry by going to our section on a Family-Driven Faith.

Ministry to Children

Our children’s ministry is aimed at supplementing parents’ efforts at bringing their children to faith in Christ and teaching them to lives as his disciples. Though we do have children’s Sunday School and some other events throughout the year, our main concern is to help bring families together at home and at church.